Notre communauté



Je suis tombé amoureux de Guhyaloka lors de ma première visite en 1993 – le silence, la forêt, les vues magnifiques. Après avoir été ordonné ici en 1995 et avoir fait un certain nombre de retraites solitaires, j’ai rejoint la communauté en 2006, travaillant à l’entretien, à la gestion des terres et à certains projets de construction, y compris l’achat et le développement d’Uttaraloka. J’ai quitté la communauté en 2013, mais j’ai continué à revenir pour aider quand je le pouvais. Lorsque Vajrasiddhi a décidé de partir au début de l’année 2022, j’ai eu la forte intuition que je pouvais venir ici et assumer le rôle de président, ce que j’ai fait à partir de juillet 2022. Guhyaloka est un endroit magnifique et, grâce aux nombreuses années de pratique et de retraites d’ordination, il est devenu un lieu sacré pour de nombreux hommes de l’Ordre et du mouvement Triratna. C’est un privilège de faire partie de la communauté qui veille sur cet espace sacré et le protège.


Bureau et développement

Après avoir quitté Bruxelles en août 2019 pour participer au Dharma Life Course à Adhisthana, j’ai décidé de rejoindre la communauté de Guhyaloka en janvier 2020 afin de travailler à la maintenance du centre. Guhyaloka est un lieu magnifique et paisible qui me donne du temps et de l’espace pour approfondir ma pratique du Dharma.



Vivre en Guhyaloka depuis juillet 2022.


Cabines solitaires

J’ai commencé à m’intéresser à Triratna après avoir fait un peu de méditation de base dans le cadre d’un cours de TCC du NHS. J’ai ensuite commencé à fréquenter le groupe Triratna à Eastbourne. Je suis devenue Mitra en 2018 et j’ai demandé l’ordination peu de temps après. J’ai fait du bénévolat à Evolution Arts à Brighton pendant deux ans, puis en octobre 2020, j’ai eu l’occasion de venir à Guhyaloka et j’ai pensé que ce serait un excellent endroit pour approfondir ma pratique.
J’ai été ordonné en 2023.


Trésorier et gardien de l’Uttaraloka

Après avoir enseigné et développé Triratna pendant près de cinquante ans en Europe et aux États-Unis, je me suis « retiré » à Uttaraloka pour explorer la « vie dans la forêt » et soutenir les installations permettant à d’autres personnes de me rejoindre.


Travail sur le terrain et ce qui s’y rapporte

Je suis venu à Guhyaloka pour la première fois en 1986 et j’ai été immédiatement inspiré par cet endroit.
Après avoir passé de nombreuses années au Venezuela, j’ai rejoint la communauté pour un an en 1999. J’ai fait de nombreuses retraites ici et j’associe cette vallée à un sentiment de renouveau spirituel.
Je suis revenue ici en août 2020 et depuis, je m’occupe des terrasses d’amandiers et d’oliviers et d’autres petites tâches pour aider à l’entretien général de nos facilités.

The Guhyaloka Community was founded soon after the purchase of the property in 1986. At first it was a band of volunteers working under a very tight budget and difficult physical conditions to make El Morer and Bhante’s Bungalow habitable, and to build, from scratch, the retreat facilities for the following year’s Ordination Course. It was a deeply challenging time, but the work was completed on time and the first Course went ahead as planned. Since then there has always been a residential support community which is responsible for the maintenance and development of the facilities, including over twenty buildings and 60 hectares (150 acres) of wild forest with some cultivated terraces of almonds and olives. They also service the ordination courses and other retreats, look after those on solitary retreat, providing them with food and other support, and transporting everyone in and out of the valley. Although the hope is to have a minimum of six men living at Guhyaloka there are often only four or five – so it is a fairly demanding life but even so the community members manage to keep up an active spiritual life of meditation and study.

Community members receive full board and lodging and a small stipend to cover personal expenses as well as medical insurance. The nucleus of the community is ‘Bhante’s Bungalow’ which has a kitchen, a sitting room, an outdoor dining space and a couple of rooms for visitors. Nearby, scattered among the pine trees there are a number of wooden huts; one of which is used as the community shrine room and the others are for personal rooms. During the winter, if it is not in use, the community sometimes decamps to the relatively more comfortable accommodations at the retreat centre. The community follows a daily program of meditation, work, and puja as well as eating meals together, and a few meetings in the evenings for study and community business.

Generally speaking the community is made up of members of the Triratna Buddhist Order or men training to join the Order, and for historical reasons English is the primary language. Many of the community members have been from the UK. However since Britain has left the EU we are hoping that we will become much more internationally diverse. Although it is much more difficult now for British men to live at Guhyaloka for longer than three months we are hoping that after a couple of shorter visits we may be able to work towards obtaining full residency. We are presently (Early 2021) looking for two more men – preferably Order members – to join the community.

One of the original components of Sangharakshita’s vision for Guhyaloka was that it would also house a ‘vihara’ – a small community of men dedicated to spiritual practice with no other responsibilities – and over the decades there have been various manifestations of such a community. There has been a variety of personnel and regimens but they have all had a limited lifetime – although often lasting several years. Uttaraloka represents the latest incarnation of this ideal – albeit an ongoing temporary community – that we are calling a ‘forest hermitage and retreat‘.

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Guhyaloka - Triratna Retreat Centre

Guhyaloka - Triratna Retreat Centre

This is the new page of the Guhyaloka Buddhist Retreat Center in Spain.

5 months ago

Guhyaloka - Triratna Retreat Centre
Since its commissioning in 1985 🌟, many people have been part of the residential community here in Guhyaloka. People who, through their practice 🧘🏻‍♂️, work, and dedication, have shaped and facilitated life in this secret valley.The current community consists of 7 people from various regions who have made the commitment to live in a simpler way and practise together day by day 🏘️, in addition to maintaining, as guardians, the facilities of the retreat centre and caring for those who come, either for solitary retreats or for courses.Achaladeva, Vajranatha, and Amalakirti from England, Pryadasa from Scotland, Aleix from Barcelona, as well as Achalamati and Arsenio from Venezuela. 🍀This is the first time that, due to cultural and geographical differences, the community is bilingual🍀 (English-Spanish).✨Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu✨ !!!Desde su puesta en funcionamiento en 1985 🌟, muchas personas han formado parte de la comunidad residencial aquí en guhyaloka. Personas que a través de su práctica 🧘🏻‍♂️, trabajo y entrega han moldeado y facilitado la manera de estar en este valle secreto.La comunidad actual está formada por 7 personas de diferentes partes que han tomado el compromiso de vivir de una manera más simple y practicar juntos día a día 🏘️, además de mantener, como guardianes, las instalaciones del centro de retiros asi como el cuidado de quienes vienen ya sea a hacer retiros solitarios o a algun curso.Achaladeva, Vajranatha y Amalakirti de inglaterra, pryadasa de Escocia, Aleix de Barcelona y Achalamati al igual que Arsenio de Venezuela. 🍀Siendo esta la primera vez que por las diferencias culturales y geográficas la comunidad es Bilingüe🍀 (ingles-español)¡¡¡ ✨Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu✨ !!! ... See MoreSee Less
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5 months ago

Guhyaloka - Triratna Retreat Centre
Finally it seems that spring has arrived here in the secret valley !!! ¡¡¡ Al fin se puede ver qué llegó la primavera al valle secreto !!! ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

Guhyaloka - Triratna Retreat Centre
Hidden among tall pine trees 🌲 in between little winding paths that crisscross the valley, is the small, warm ☸️shrime room☸️ of the Guhyaloka community. A space where we meet daily to meditate together in harmony 🧘‍♂️🧘🏽‍♂️🧘🏻‍♂️, surrounded by the sounds of the wind in the trees and the singing of the many birds 🐦 that live in the valley. ¡¡¡ Sabbe Satha Sukhi Hontu !!!Escondida entre los altos pinos 🌲en medio de serpenteantes caminos que zurcan el valle, está la pequeña y calida ☸️sala de meditación☸️ de la comunidad guhyaloka.Un espacio en el que diariamente nos reunimos a meditar juntos y en armonía 🧘🏽‍♂️🧘🏻‍♂️🧘‍♂️, envueltos en los sonidos de el viento en las ramas de los árboles  y el canto de los muchos tipos de aves 🐦 que hacen vida en el valle.¡¡¡ Sabbe Satha Sukhi Hontu !!! ... See MoreSee Less
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On Monday night, our little companion Tiggy passed away after a long illness.Tiggy was an integral part of our community, which he often blessed with his nasal secretions! We wish him a happy rebirth, perhaps in the Human Realm, where we hope he will once again encounter the Dharma! ... See MoreSee Less
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