Galerie awaiting some washingOrdination photoBhante at GuhyalokaDarsendo solitary cabinUttaraloka shrine roomwe get strong winds at Guhyaloka!Uttaraloka terrace and dining areastorm aftermathexpect the unexpected!Arthasarana solitary houseAlmendra solitary cabinthe Casteletsa seat with a viewJnanakhadga roof seatla casita at UttaralokacontemplationOrdination ritualJnanakhadga solitary cabinwhere did that come from?Arthasarana across the valleyinside JnanakhadgaJnanakhadga’s verandaAlmendra solitary cabinthe WhaleView from Uttaraloka’s shrine roomview from UttaralokaOrdination courseDhardo Rimpoche’s stupathe MandalameditatingShrinestudy groupview past the Whaleview from DarsendoOrdination Stupathe Whale at dawnthe Whale at dawnthe Castelets2020 Working RetreatTiggyclosed shrineretreat centre from aboveMandala hutsBobbyshrine roomDhardo Rimpoche stupa2020 Working RetreatDarsendo solitary cabin2020 Working RetreatDarsendo verandaDarsendo verandainside Jnanakhadgathe Whalepracticing togethershrine roombeing together2020 Working Retreatfirst ever Working Retreatfirst ever Working RetreatWorking Retreatinside AlmendraPublic Ordination ceremonymeditating in late Decemberneighboursfirst ever Working Retreatother neighboursUttaraloka main houseOrdination talk„Houston, we have a problem!“retreat centre bedroom